Judging (caring) stakeholders FAST!!!

a-      1- Evaluating the unit capacity to effectively respond to demand events and the appropriateness of acceptance by the unit of demanded request, and upon those evaluations to accept full responsibility to attend the demand.  In healthcare means that patients are using proper gates to make their service request accordingly with the level of urgency required. For instance waiting lines to demand prompt care can’t accept patients’ that require less than urgent care. This all means that there should be biunivocal and co-responsible relationship between healthcare professionals and the patient and her family.

b-      2– Practicing data cross-reference to ensure quality of sensitive information, such as postal and virtual addresses and phone numbers are mandatory requirements to establish the basis and ensure proper and fast communication, during further stages of process development. If patients move or change their telephones they should have an easy way to update the data and at the same time become stimulated to do that.

c-       3-Increasing communication efficacy and reducing communication frequency. Whenever possible to schedule future events that action should be taken on the spot, immediately after the consultation. For instance in the healthcare area, and as a consequence of consultation if it becomes feasible to establish dates for complementary exams then that should not be postponed, and should take place using the phone or through computer interaction.

d-      4 Informing in advance the date of the central event of process development. In a healthcare situation making advanced schedules supposing a certain result for the complementary exams means mimicking protocol used by President Lula oncology team, that before receiving the result of the biopsy they had already preset a time and day to get treatment started supposing that their expectations would be confirmed by the biopsy. By doing that they transformed what would usually become a sequence into a parallel activity, reducing the overall time to a minimum.

e-      5Extinguishing unnecessary intermediations, while letting clients assume roles usually exerted by the organization. Particularly those that are in the best interest of the client and are within their range of abilities. In the case of the judicial procedures this step is to inform those that will have to testify of judgment date. In the case of healthcare there are situations in which the patient can help to speed up the procedure by directly obtaining a medication required for procedure to be performed.

f-       6- Streamlining communication to assure that consultation, exam or treatment take place according to schedule, in the case of healthcare. In the case of a judicial procedure similar actions would be taken. It is usual in Brazil for assistant nurses to call patients a day before of the appointment to confirm their presence.  Using SMS and e-mail is also a possibility and the message may go not only for the very same person but also to those in their family circle of support.


aqui a dica de Ali Mazloum (juiz federal em SP) que reduziu o tempo de julgamento de um processo de 4 anos para 10 meses.

eis um exemplo de uma inovação RADICAL, radical pois de 48 para 10 ou seja um corte de 80% do tempo usual (ver Veja pagina 154 – 23nov, 2011)
os subprocessos são: (a) abertura de processos; (b) localização do acusado: (c) citação e intimação; (d) prazo para julgar; (e) depoimento de testemunhas; (f) dia de audiência…
muito interessante… lets keep going in english.
(a) accepting the case… Mazloum, similar to Sarah Orthopedic Hospital (benchmark) do not accept any incoming demand, and have full control over accepting the demand. He only accept demands upon well established requests that are feasible to be taken care;
(b) they do not accept as a given address the one indicated on the formal paperwork. The staff does crosscheck data using government sound databases such as DETRAN and BACEN to make sure they get the address right, in Samambaia they have TrakCare to monitor addressed and keep updating upon, patient moves. Not so simple as this patients don’t own cars and other goods, so those that know how to figure out current address, will tell how to solve this puzzle.
(c) all scheduled dates during the development of the process (over five of them) are previously established and informed at once to the stakholder (accused) right in the beginning of the course of action, instead of visiting the accused over an over through the development of the case. This scheduling routine requires the ability of foreseeing  next steps before they occur. Not so certain in healthcare. But some scheduling is possible. For instance a phone call (or a computer interaction when ever that is possible) can be helpful to establish dates for complementary exams and then accordingly to the kind of exam learning of the date the exam results will become available. According to those dates an ambulatory consultation can be established. And so forth.
(d) date to judge is established within 10 months from case acceptance traditional procedure has no schedule to judge, and as said it could reach 48 months… Fixing a date reassure the sense of responsibility of the court and increases the level of satisfaction of case stakeholders and helps to organize the judgement schedule on the side of the judge … making feasible arrangements in this regard.
(e) it is the responsibility of the accused to let those that want to testify in his favor to be present on judgement day. The same applies to the accusing side. This is usually the responsibility of the court…. This is pretty much the same that banks does when they offer an ATM machine to their customers, so banks don’t need to face the customer each time he or she wants to cash money, the cashier do not need to handle the money or even count it… The same as IKEA and Walt Mart does allowing their clients for registering their buying by themselves.
(f) and finally making sure that all that should be present are there on the day and hour of the judgement. Now days, large number of individuals use mobile phones and those allow SMS, phone calls, and letters are all available. This is similar than reducing missed appointments at outpatient services. Of course inpatients are under control… Meaning having a proactive attitude to increase the margin of matching appointments. These simple initiative certainly reduces costs for all stakeholders, either in justice or healthcare.

Uma resposta em “Judging (caring) stakeholders FAST!!!

  1. http://www.estadao.com.br/noticias/impresso,o-problema-da-justica-nao-e-dinheiro-e-apatia-afirma-juiz-,777173,0.htm

    “O juiz, na primeira chance que tem de adiar, de empurrar a audiência, ele faz. Não muda a rotina dos processos porque não quer. Está acostumado a postular alterações legislativas, pedir mais orçamento, mais pessoal e instalação de mais varas. Grande equívoco.”

    “Basta vontade para mudar a máquina do Judiciário. Bastam pequenas alterações, não precisa de grandes milagres e reformas.”

    Na ponta do lápis, anota o juiz, a 7.ª Vara Federal Criminal, em 2007, tinha um acervo de mil ações penais, com duração média de quatro anos. O custo de cada processo era de R$ 2.150 – uma despesa mensal de R$ 44,79 por processo, “sendo 70% em salários e 30% em insumos”. Com o processo cidadão, houve redução de 40% do custo. O preço unitário do processo passou para R$ 1.892. Custo mensal, ao longo dos quatro anos, de R$ 39,41.

    Mazloum implementou o processo cidadão. Muitos colegas repudiaram. Faz três anos. Ele tinha nas mãos mil ações penais. Hoje são 270

    disse o Juiz Ali Mazloum no Estado de SP em 25 de setembro, 2011

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